At the Crossroads

You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now. --Joan Baez When men and women agree,it is only in their conclusions;their reasons are always different

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Great Indian COnundrum
The war for land is as old as history. Winston Churchill had rightly put it- "War is mainly a catalogue of blunders", it certainly is. India, according to my not-so-Indian frens, is a hostile nation where bomb blasts and communal voilence is the order of the day and human life is little valued. A very distressing thing to hear indeed. In my
opinion, 50 percent of India's problem is caused by its very own neighbours, with Pakistan topping the list and the rest is due to its own internal conflicts and problems. Apparently, two of Inidia's insatiable neighbours, - Pakistan and China, want a share of the land that by all means belongs to India.Let me put across a few incidents that has happened in the past
couple of days.
The Glasgow blasts (London) was planned and executed by an Indian, Kafeel Ahmad. A raid conducted by the investigative agencies at Kafeel's Banglore home, have brought to light some startling news. He had saved loads of data related to bomb-making and Jihadist material on his computer hard-disk.The media is flashing reports of how disgraceful it is for an Indian ot be involved in such an act. Why on earth do we have to take the blame?? Unlike soldiers who die for their country, Kafeel was fighting for a cause, for Islam. He espoused an ideology that never was and will be in favour of Indian people. How can someone as educated and smart as Kafeel Ahmad be influenced by Islamic radicals? There are sevral such innocent men and women who are dragged into doing terrible acts in the name of Jihad. Is India spreading the message of
Jihad?? Most definitely No.
Pakistan, as is apparent from the recent events, is the breeding ground of hardcore terrorists.
The Lal Masjid incident indicates that there are several groups inside Pakistan involved in grooming terrorists who can readily blow themselves up. Next comes China. The threats from China is tremendous. They are very organised people and their economy is doing amazingly well and their military might cannot be challenged as well. With practically everything in favour
of this nation, there isnt much India can do if put in a confrontational situation. Can we ever forgive Nehru for his blunders?? Srilanka and Bangladesh are busy sorting out their internal problems.Pakistan and Pervez,both are doomed. India must find ways to deal with China. I am doing a lot of reading lately, all about great men and their blunders. Idi Amin, Fidel castro, Nehru.. Though Nehru does not belong to the league of Fidel castro and his ilk, i would still mention his name, cos i did read stuff about him.
India needs a reformist, who can enforce stringent laws; Laws for population control, law and order, education, healthcare. Indians dont have a choice, they just need to wait until am eligible to rule ;)


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