At the Crossroads

You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now. --Joan Baez When men and women agree,it is only in their conclusions;their reasons are always different

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Thanksgiving of Sorts

Mom, for being the best mom ever. For imparting the right values in me. The wrong ones - I acquired them :)

Dad for bringing me to terms with the fact that reality bites, for all the luxury and comfort, for making me the person that i am.

Sisters, for adding vibrance to my life. Without them life would be meaningless and insipid.

Best friend, who has stood by me in times of good and bad.

Someone who is more than a friend, for making me realise that I am precious.

Friends, who have guided me all along. Made me feel that certain bond goes beyond blood relationship.

My archenemy, for keeping me on toes. I benchmark myself against her.

Teachers and Profs who helped me clear my exams.. Those dreadful days

And all those who have made a difference to my living.

My country and the most wonderful place on earth, Chennai state

God, for giving me an overdose of everything.

and the ticking of the clock, for reminding me that its late and i need to hit the sack.

Have i won an oscar?? ;-) perhaps more than that



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